The story takes place during the Sino-Japanese War. The wolf warrior (played by Wu Qilong), Zhu Zi (played by Xie Mengwei) and Dong'er (played by Yang Tingting) who were hunting happened to encounter the guerrillas and the Japanese army in the mountains. Annoyed and angry, the Japanese army frantically retaliated and carried out a terrible massacre of the villagers, and the wolf warrior was wounded and captured in the battle, and then escaped with the assistance of the underground party Doctor He (played by Ye Zuxin) and others. When the captured stake escaped from the arsenal, he took a mute (played by Hu Yang) with him, unexpectedly, this person was a Japanese spy, and he wanted to find the whereabouts of the raw materials of poison gas through the stake. Wang Ai, who was rescued by the wolf warrior, gradually fell in love with the wolf warrior, but later Wang Ai was unfortunately arrested. During a mission, the wolf warrior met Aoki (played by Zhao Huinan), the enemy who killed his father, and a momentary impulse made him fall into the tiger's mouth again......
2013 Chinese mainland
Episode 29
Episode 39
橘发少年黑崎一护是个正义感爆棚的高中生,与父亲、两个妹妹共同生活,从小他就有能看见鬼魂的本事,但并不以为意。一天夜里一只叫“虚”的怪物攻击了一护和他的家人,尾随怪物而来的死神朽木露琪亚身负重伤,只得将灵力转给一护,由他代死神之职。岂料“代职”一发不可收拾,一段时间后,尸 魂界发现露琪亚的违规行为,来人将她抓走。为救出朋友,一护在浦原商店店主浦原喜助的帮助下,集结了井上织姬、石田雨龙、茶渡泰虎几位好友,一同前往尸魂界。与此同时,尸魂界瀞灵廷内一场惊天阴谋也在慢慢掀开…… 《死神》漫画于2001年开始在《少年JUMP周刊》连载,动画2004年开播。
橘发少年黑崎一护是个正义感爆棚的高中生,与父亲、两个妹妹共同生活,从小他就有能看见鬼魂的本事,但并不以为意。一天夜里一只叫“虚”的怪物攻击了一护和他的家人,尾随怪物而来的死神朽木露琪亚身负重伤,只得将灵力转给一护,由他代死神之职。岂料“代职”一发不可收拾,一段时间后,尸 魂界发现露琪亚的违规行为,来人将她抓走。为救出朋友,一护在浦原商店店主浦原喜助的帮助下,集结了井上织姬、石田雨龙、茶渡泰虎几位好友,一同前往尸魂界。与此同时,尸魂界瀞灵廷内一场惊天阴谋也在慢慢掀开…… 《死神》漫画于2001年开始在《少年JUMP周刊》连载,动画2004年开播。
Episode 25