In the last paragraph, "This mind is vain and vain, and the four major decomposition dust will be destroyed, and the dust realm of the cause cannot be obtained, how can the delusional mind be seen?" This passage is to say, the Buddha said, "Good man! This vain mind", this vain mind is the sixth consciousness, "if there is no six dusts, there can be no one", all of which are caused by the dust of the past, you "have dust and there is, dust is nothing, the dust is like a form, this mind is like a shadow, it is called the mind of separating shadows", so it is said that "this mind is vain and vain and there is dust". The Buddha said, "If this vain mind does not have the six dusts," it cannot exist. "The four major decompositions are dust-free", and when you are separated from the four major ones and die, the dust will return to dust, the earth will return to the earth, "the dust will be destroyed", and the "four major decomposition dust will be destroyed". "In the middle of the dust, each will be dispersed", and the dust realm of the edge cannot be obtained. "After all, there is no fate to see", how can you see the delusional mind, how can you find it? I can't find it, and when I die, I leave, and you can't find that fateful heart, you can't see it. Therefore, it is said, "This heart is vain and vain, and it can be seen because of the delusional mind."
According to the "Records of the Passing of the Lantern", "The king of the time had three sons, and his Ji Kaishi was also. The Venerable One wanted to try what he had gained, so he asked the third prince with the beads he had given, "Is this pearl as clear as it can be?" The first son, Jingtara, and the second son, Merit Dora, both said, "Among the Seven Treasures of this Jewel, there is no step in the reverence, and if it is not the power of the Venerable One, who can accept it?" 」
In the last paragraph, "This mind is vain and vain, and the four major decomposition dust will be destroyed, and the dust realm of the cause cannot be obtained, how can the delusional mind be seen?" This passage is to say, the Buddha said, "Good man! This vain mind", this vain mind is the sixth consciousness, "if there is no six dusts, there can be no one", all of which are caused by the dust of the past, you "have dust and there is, dust is nothing, the dust is like a form, this mind is like a shadow, it is called the mind of separating shadows", so it is said that "this mind is vain and vain and there is dust". The Buddha said, "If this vain mind does not have the six dusts," it cannot exist. "The four major decompositions are dust-free", and when you are separated from the four major ones and die, the dust will return to dust, the earth will return to the earth, "the dust will be destroyed", and the "four major decomposition dust will be destroyed". "In the middle of the dust, each will be dispersed", and the dust realm of the edge cannot be obtained. "After all, there is no fate to see", how can you see the delusional mind, how can you find it? I can't find it, and when I die, I leave, and you can't find that fateful heart, you can't see it. Therefore, it is said, "This heart is vain and vain, and it can be seen because of the delusional mind."
According to the "Records of the Passing of the Lantern", "The king of the time had three sons, and his Ji Kaishi was also. The Venerable One wanted to try what he had gained, so he asked the third prince with the beads he had given, "Is this pearl as clear as it can be?" The first son, Jingtara, and the second son, Merit Dora, both said, "Among the Seven Treasures of this Jewel, there is no step in the reverence, and if it is not the power of the Venerable One, who can accept it?" 」