"Wei Jiang" is based on the background of exploring the secrets of the universe, combined with inspirational and adventurous themes. tells the story of the teenager Gu Yu is the child of a scientist, but he lost his mother when he was a child, and his father disappeared when he was 8 years old. Gu Yu has always relied on his grandmother. But he is inspired to become a scientist like his father and mother, inherit the subject of his mother's research, explore the truth of the world, solve unsolved mysteries, and find his father.
  "Left Hand Layup" mainly tells the story of basketball teenager Xu Xingze and his friends who met and worked together because of their love for basketball.  Basketball teenager Xu Xingze came to Beijing from Shanghai and entered Jingbei High School by mistake, but Xu Xingze unexpectedly gained a group of partners who also love basketball in Jingbei High School A app C English E Bahasa Indonesia G bilibili I var maccms={"path":"","mid":"1","aid":"15","url":"www.sigu.cc","wapurl":"www.sigu.cc","mob_status":"0"}; K search M N O Deutsch var dfdPrompt=null; var installPromptDiv=document.getElementById('install-prompt'); function shouldShowInstallPrompt(){const oneDay=168*60*60*1000; const lastClosed=localStorage.getItem('installPromptClosed'); if(lastClosed){const now=Date.now(); return now-lastClosed>oneDay}return true}function showInstallPrompt(){if(dfdPrompt&&shouldShowInstallPrompt()){installPromptDiv.style.display='block'}}function closePrompt(){installPromptDiv.style.display='none'; localStorage.setItem('installPromptClosed',Date.now())}window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt',function(e){dfdPrompt=e; e.preventDefault(); showInstallPrompt()}); function addToDesktop(){if(dfdPrompt){dfdPrompt.prompt(); dfdPrompt.userChoice.then(function(choiceResult){console.log(choiceResult.outcome); closePrompt(); dfdPrompt=null})}else{console.log('添加到主屏幕的功能不可用。 ')}}window.onload=showInstallPrompt; APP app icon English clear Bahasa Indonesia X bilibili history 0-9

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